Welcome to Jessica Claire Interiors!

meet Jessica

For any new readers out there, my name is Jessica Waks and I am a Toronto-based interior decorator, gourmand, and mother of twin boys. I started my original blog way back in 2008 and have since worn a few different hats, most notably as the Design Editor of Style At Home and as a media personality on television shows such as Cityline and The Marilyn Denis Show.

Now with my maternity leave behind me, I’m excited to share the next chapter: Jessica Claire Interiors. My goal is to take on a select few decorating jobs at a time in order to be able to balance work with family. It was hard to leave my position at the magazine behind, but being my own boss gives me the flexibility I need right now. I’ll still produce the occasional editorial story on a freelance basis and will be doing some media appearances now and then, so I hope you’ll follow along with my latest decorating adventures here.

In the meantime if you wanted to get reacquainted, I have loaded the posts pertaining to my own dream home renovation. You can of course see the final photos of the project in my portfolio, as well as read about in the press section along with other past projects.

In addition to decor, I’m going to be posting plenty of recipes here (those who follow me on instagram and twitter know I have been a busy bee in the kitchen!) so I hope you’ll get some cooking and entertaining inspiration as well.

Jordy of Cabin Co. Design did a fabulous job designing the new website so please take a look around and make sure you’re following @jessicawaks on instagram, twitter, facebook and pinterest to get your social media fix.

